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St Oliver Plunkett School Primary School and Nursery 9 Laragh Road, Beragh, Omagh
Enrolment applications are currently open for both our Nursery Unit and Primary School until 12 noon Friday 24 January 2025.
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15th Nov 2016

The children of P6 & 7 welcomed Louise Gilbert of Cancer Focus into their classroom today to learn a little more about the topic of smoking, the harm it can do to our bodies and the pressure young people can face to begin smoking.

Louise built on the good work carried out in the classroom during September and October when the pupils learned more about smoking as their World Around Us topic. The pupils impressed Louise with just how much they had remembered and were able to answer many of the questions which she asked.

She then went on to get the pupils to act out scenarios where they might be put under pressure to begin smoking. The pupils really enjoyed this and also picked up some useful strategies to refuse to smoke if asked to do so by their peers.

Finally the children got the opportunity to take part in an anti-smoking rap which they also thoroughly enjoyed. There are certainly some potential rap artists in Beragh!!

We wish to extend a big thank you to Louise for taking the time to visit our classroom today.