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St Oliver Plunkett School Primary School and Nursery 9 Laragh Road, Beragh, Omagh

Exercise-a-thon Success

24th Oct 2024

A very big 'Thank you' is expressed to our wider school community for the support we have received for our fundraising effort for our PE programme. We have been amazed at the support and obviously are very grateful for it in what are genuinely difficult financial times.

'Top sellers' will be announced in due course as a few families have asked for an extension to chase up on a few sponsors that they had previously spoken to. The awards will therefore be announced at the first Friday assembly after the Halloween break, along with a total figure raised. Suffice to say at this stage that we have hit our target for this fundraiser, which we are very pleased about indeed.

Regardless of the amount of money raised by each individual child/family, your efforts are greatly appreciated and will help ensure our programme continues to run. The children also had a brilliant day and thoroughly enjoyed the workout.