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St Oliver Plunkett School Primary School and Nursery 9 Laragh Road, Beragh, Omagh
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Digital Leaders' Training

3rd Nov 2016

Michael O'Kane from iTeach came into school today to train up our 6 newly appointed Digital Leaders. 

A Digital Leader is a pupil who is part of a Digital Leaders Team within a school, whose role it is to support the use and further the development of the iPad.  Our Digital Leaders come from the P6 & 7 classes and have been assembled through an application process and interview.

The Digital Leaders will meet regularly with on-going training and support given to develop specific areas of iPad expertise.  They will have a range of duties which includes day to day classroom support, representing the school at events, and running internal ‘Genius Bar’ type initiatives.

Michael took them through their duties and responsibilities in a fun session and helped them with some of the skills which they will need to be of help to others (pupils & staff) within the school.

We look forward to these pupils developing their skills further and in turn helping all within the school to use this technology better to assist our teaching & learning.