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St Oliver Plunkett School Primary School and Nursery 9 Laragh Road, Beragh, Omagh
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Caterpillars to Butterflies! 🐛🦋

26th May 2021

Primary 3 have been observing a special transformation recently. As part of our Plants and Lifecycles topic we were very excited to receive a jar of caterpillars in the middle of April to follow their lifecycle. The caterpillars fed from the food in their pot and grew bigger and bigger. After 2 weeks the caterpillars made their way to the top of the jar to form their Chrysalis! They stayed there for a week and we had to be quiet and keep them very still during this process. After a few days the Chrysalides were moved from the jar to the butterfly habitat, very carefully!  When we returned from our May Bank holiday we had 5 beautiful butterflies in the butterfly habitat! We researched and found out that butterflies like to eat old fruit so we placed some orange pieces and some nectar in the habitat for them to eat. The butterflies needed a few days to strengthen their wings before they were ready to be released. We released the butterflies in our school garden and it was amazing to watch them fly off! The pupils thoroughly enjoyed watching the lifecycle of a Butterfly 🦋