Access Keys:

St Oliver Plunkett School Primary School and Nursery 9 Laragh Road, Beragh, Omagh

P6 & 7 visit Omagh Library

25th Sep 2015

P6 & 7 pupils on their visit to Omagh Library.
P6 & 7 pupils on their visit to Omagh Library.
Julie the librarian told the pupils all about what the library is used for.
Julie the librarian told the pupils all about what the library is used for.
Julie entertained the pupils with a variety of funny poems.  We learned that poetry can be fun.
Julie entertained the pupils with a variety of funny poems. We learned that poetry can be fun.
A display board advertising all that takes place at Omagh Library.
A display board advertising all that takes place at Omagh Library.
Pupils learned that some books have Braille, so that those with poor sight can still enjoy reading.
Pupils learned that some books have Braille, so that those with poor sight can still enjoy reading.
Decisions, decisions!
Decisions, decisions!
We've picked our books!
We've picked our books!
Paddington Bear fans!
Paddington Bear fans!
The Michael Morpurgo section was very popular among the P6 & 7 children.
The Michael Morpurgo section was very popular among the P6 & 7 children.
Books picked and ready to check them out.
Books picked and ready to check them out.
Pupils learned how to use the self-service system to borrow and return their books.
Pupils learned how to use the self-service system to borrow and return their books.
Julie showed the pupils how to access the PCs at the library.
Julie showed the pupils how to access the PCs at the library.
There are lots of PCs available for use at Omagh library.
There are lots of PCs available for use at Omagh library.
Camphill Community also had a display at the library.  Pupils learned how a loom works.
Camphill Community also had a display at the library. Pupils learned how a loom works.