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St Oliver Plunkett School Primary School and Nursery 9 Laragh Road, Beragh, Omagh

1916 Easter Rising

29th Feb 2016

The class looked at the Proclamation and discussed what it actually meant.
The class looked at the Proclamation and discussed what it actually meant.
The class learned about the 7 leaders of the Rising who signed the Proclamation.
The class learned about the 7 leaders of the Rising who signed the Proclamation.
The classroom display for our Easter 1916 topic.
The classroom display for our Easter 1916 topic.
The pupils completed newspaper report writing on the events of Easter week 1916 and used their ICT skills to design a newspaper front page and insert their reports into it.
The pupils completed newspaper report writing on the events of Easter week 1916 and used their ICT skills to design a newspaper front page and insert their reports into it.
Pupils' Report writing of the events of Easter 1916.
Pupils' Report writing of the events of Easter 1916.